East Coast Trail Trees 2 (hike, photo, drawing, painting,VR), 2023

East Coast Trail Trees 2 (hike, photo, drawing, painting,VR), 2023


acrylic, acrylic gouache, spray paint, yupo collage on shaped panel.

48x48 inches

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Imagined Cusco to Pisac roadtrip from Philadelphia quarantine, 2022 7_Imagined Cusco to Pisac roadtrip from Philadelphia quarantine_2023_acryliconyupo, mural cloth, acrylic spray paint, acrylic gouache, fluid acrylic on shaped panel, 40x40 inches.jpg

Imagined Cusco to Pisac roadtrip from Philadelphia quarantine, 2022

Glowing dead trunks (from hike, from photo), 2022

Glowing dead trunks (from hike, from photo), 2022

East Coast Trail 3 (from VR), 2023

East Coast Trail 3 (from VR), 2023

in that place, 2022

in that place, 2022

Lost Lake, 2022 8_LostLake (2 day hike, drawing, photos, paintings, VR) _squarecropping_1200 px (square cropping).jpg

Lost Lake, 2022
