
By Michael P. Berman, Foreward by Tim DeChristopher, Essay by Rodrigo Sierra Corona, Afterword by Valer Clark. “No estoy perdido. I am not lost. I like this country. I am happy here, and I feel safe… The border throws you off, but it also wakes you up. I was not always this comfortable here, and it is a bit of a story how I fell in love with Sierra San Luis. It starts with the day I saw the last Mexican wolf on American soil— not one of the reintroduced ones with leather dog-collar trackers strapped around their necks, but a wild one up from Sonora or maybe Durango— and it ended when an old Mexican rancher, the man who killed the same wolf, opened a locked gate for me and let me in.” -Michael P. Berman. The remarkable Sierra San Luis forms the nexus of the Sierra Madres and Rocky Mountains. Berman wandered the Mexican borderlands occupied by Ranchers, wildlife and narcos. His documentation — photographs and words— explores the meaning of the beautiful and rugged landscape and provides a poetic understanding of how one learns to see the land. As Berman notes, the ecological systems on the planet are failing, yet the Sierra San Luis collapse has reversed itself- water, soil, and ecological diversity- are all increasing in quantity and improving in quality. Why here and nowhere else?