diary 1.jpg Dont spot the difference diptych install.jpg

Don't spot the difference, please I (2020) (SOLD)

diary 2.jpg Dont spot the difference diptych install.jpg

Don't spot the difference, please II (2020)

Prophet (2020) (SOLD) prophet install.jpg

Prophet (2020) (SOLD)

calm.jpg im calm install.jpg

I'm Calm (2020) (SOLD)

memo.jpg memo install.jpg

Memo: water the plants (2020) (SOLD)

out of hope.jpg out of hope install.jpg

Out of hope, feeling free (2020) (SOLD)

esoteric.jpg i feel so install.jpg

I feel so esoteric today (2020) (SOLD)

parenting.jpg parenting install.jpg

Parenting secrets (2020)

small1.jpg ontology install.jpg

Ontology (2020) (SOLD)

small2.jpg coral install.jpg

Coral blue (2020) (SOLD)

loyal.jpg IMG_4740.jpg

Loyal imprint (2020) PRICE UPON REQUEST
