Lindsey Landfried


Summer Collective (2020) View Exhibition >>

Skyline Drive (2017)


Artist Statement

Horizons are the border states delineating day from night, light from dark, and earth from atmosphere.  These drawings demarcate a time without time. Here artificial light charges UV sensitive paint, the fulgor of stars spinning in space simultaneously set and rise circling in their orbits and neon glows in the distance.  Cajoling glare, brightness, white outs, and refraction to investigate the optics of light for a futuristic archeology and a fictional science, space where skies are empty, flooded, starless, and a glow.  Horizons lean against the walls made by simple folds with works each protruding, folding, collapsing, and glowing in line. The lower than usual mid point of the works shifts the viewers’ gazes downwards and establishes a nearly birds eye vantage on the works- as if they are being seen from a mountain top or the scenic highway shoulder. 

Dense nets of loop-like marks, in dialogue with minimalism and the language of data processing and visualization, act as screens or interferences gridding ethereal and trance like mists of color.  Through repetition of forms and marks, the drawings are an environment of uninterrupted stimulation, a mass amnesia of marks, courting the awe and reductive capacity of space exploration and interplanetary infatuation.  In this instance, the mark is an optical elegy to writing when all paper and digital memory are ephemeral pulp.  

Working between painting, drawing and sculpture, my works on paper are accumulations of text-sized loops. I exaggerate a single mark to a point dangerously close to absurd.  Through my repetitive process, I investigate dichotomies of hand versus machine, casual versus monumental, and monotony versus meditation.  The drawings appear as documents of a stable process-- the same motion again and again.  However, the resulting surface is marred, noisy, staccato, and inconsistent.

Selected Works

Lindsey Landfried lives and works in State College, PA.  Her work has been exhibited recently at Momenta Art, Temporary Storage, Tiger Strikes Asteroid NY, SPACE Gallery of the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, Mississippi State University, and Space 4 Art: San Diego.  Landfried was a 2014-15 recipient of a Pollock-Krasner award and a 2013 fellow of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for artistic practice.  She has completed residencies at the MacDowell Colony, Vermont Studio Center, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts and Takt Kunstraum Tapir Berlin. Her work has been featured in New American Paintings and received the 2015 jurors award at the UNC Asheville Works on Paper Biennial.